
Shoppers Can:

  • Create and edit posts, including uploading images and embedding videos
  • Create their own user profile with about section and profile picture
  • Comment on each other's posts

 Store Admins Can:

  • Promote relevant products alongside user-generated content
  • Manage Tags to drive the conversation around specific topics
  • Customize the look and feel of your community pages
  • Prevent spam from your store by requiring moderator approval and disabling links

Email Notifications:

  • When any post or comment is approved, the shopper gets an email notification with a link to the approved content - thereby bringing them back to your site.

SEO & Social Sharing:

  • A sitemap is auto-generated for the content generated on your Social Network, including:

    • Community Index Page
    • Post Pages (with their Comments)
    • Tag Pages
    • User Pages
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions are friendly for indexing in Google, and sharing on Social Media Channels


Coming soon:

  • Upvoting and downvoting posts
  • Integration with loyalty program apps like Smile.io so that you can award customers points for participation
  • Integration with Drip and Klaviyo email marketing apps


Here’s why Social King is great for your store:

Social King is the best way to begin building a community around your brand.

Provide your customers with a platform to connect, share, and learn all on your website and under the tent of your brand.

Now, more than ever before, consumers are looking for connection, and Social King is the engine you need to power your store.

  • Community is a great way to provide value to customers and differentiate from Amazon
  • User generated content will help increase your exposure on search engines like Google

Social King is growing quickly and we welcome your feedback for new features and ideas! Our US based staff works daily to build out new features and we are excited to be your partners in developing your brand-based community for years to come!